Garage: Bad Dream Adventure Switch NSP (eShop)

Title: Garage: Bad Dream Adventure
Release Date: Jun 07, 2024
Category: Adventure, Puzzle
Publisher: Sakuba Metal Works
Type: eShop
Format: NSP
Title ID: 010012201F2EE000
Title Size: 484 MB
Language: En, Ja, Tw, Zh
Required Firmware: 18.0.0
CFW: 18.0.0 + Atmosphere 1.7.0
Garage: Bad Dream Adventure NSP You are thrown into a weird world by the machine Garage. Can you escape from it?

Description: Garage – This weird machine is said to create a bizarre dark world by working on the subject’s subconscious mind. The player character is thrown into an enclosed world filled with sewage, with decaying wooden buildings and rusted metals. And he discovers that his body has been changed into something in between a machine and a living creature. He wanders around this structurally complex maze-like world in search of a way out.
Base Game NSP (484 MB)
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